CARA, Alessia. Scars to your beautiful. Disponível em: &l...

CARA, Alessia. Scars to your beautiful. Disponível em: < search?q=Scars+to+your+beautiful+lyrics&rlz>. Acesso em: nov. 20...

EBMSP - Inglês - 2018 - Prosef - 2019.1

CARA, Alessia. Scars to your beautiful. Disponível em: < search?q=Scars+to+your+beautiful+lyrics&rlz>. Acesso em: nov. 2018.
As for the girl of the song, the songwriter

A) encourages her to have confidence in herself.

B) believes she should listen to what people say.

C) thinks that she can’t fight against the world.

D) says that the world is not supposed to change.

E) advises her to go on looking for perfect beauty.



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