Questões de Inglês para Vestibular

cód. #3874

CÁSPER LÍBERO - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular

1. Once upon a time there ______________ a king called Arthur. 2. I ___________ to visit my cousins to enjoy ________ hospitality. 3. Something ________ to be done about this pathetic situation.

Assinale a opção que contém a sequência de palavras que preenche corretamente as lacunas das três frases 1, 2 e 3, nessa ordem.

A) is – go – such – might

B) were – have had – my – will

C) are – thought – much – has

D) have – wish – finding – good

E) was – have decided – their – ought


cód. #5922

COMVEST - UNICAMP - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular - Conhecimentos gerais

Love is not all

By Edna St. Vincent Millay

Love is not all: It is not meat nor drink

Nor slumber nor a roof against the rain;

Nor yet a floating spar to men that sink

And rise and sink and rise and sink again;

Love cannot fill the thickened lung with breath,

Nor clean the blood, nor set the fractured bone;

Yet many a man is making friends with death

Even as I speak, for lack of love alone.

It well may be that in a difficult hour,

Pinned down by need and moaning for release,

Or nagged by want past resolution's power,

I might be driven to sell your love for peace,

Or trade the memory of this night for food.

It may well be. I do not think I would.

(Disponível em Acessado em 28/05/2018.)

De acordo com o poema,

A) por falta de amor, somos derrotados pelas dificuldades da vida.

B) há quem busque a companhia da morte por falta de amor.

C) a rotina diária a que somos submetidos é capaz de pôr fim ao amor.

D) é melhor trocar as incertezas do amor por paz de espírito.


cód. #2851

VUNESP - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular

Leia o texto para responder à questão.

America’s social-media addiction is getting worse

(Sources: Pew Research Centre; e Marketer)

   A survey in January and February 2019 from the Pew Research Centre, a think tank, found that 69% of American adults use Facebook; of these users, more than half visit the site “several times a day”. YouTube is even more popular, with 73% of adults saying they watch videos on the platform. For those aged 18 to 24, the figure is 90%. Instagram, a photo-sharing app, is used by 37% of adults. When Pew first conducted the survey in 2012, only a slim majority of Americans used Facebook. Fewer than one in ten had an Instagram account.

    Americans are also spending more time than ever on social-media sites like Facebook. There is evidence that limiting such services might yield health benefits. A paper published last year by Melissa Hunt, Rachel Marx, Courtney Lipson and Jordyn Young, all of the University of Pennsylvania, found that limiting social-media usage to 10 minutes a day led to reductions in loneliness, depression, anxiety and fear. Another paper from 2014 identified a link between heavy social-media usage and depression, largely due to a “social comparison” phenomenon, whereby users compare themselves to others and come away with lower evaluations of themselves. 

(, 08.08.2019. Adaptado.)

According to the second paragraph, the paper published by researchers of the University of Pennsylvania showed that

A) people who interrupt the social-media addiction can feel lonely or anxious, among other symptoms.

B) the self-image people present in social-media does not match reality and generates stress.

C) a reduction of the period of time people use social-media improves their health.

D) a previous study published in 2014 had a misconception related to depression in heavy social-media users.

E) youngsters should be allowed at the most 10 minutes social-media use per day.


cód. #3619

Cepros - Inglês - 2019 - Prova de Medicina-2020.1- 1° DIA

Read the text below and answer the following  question based on it.

Can lifestyle changes reverse coronary heart disease? The Lifestyle Heart Trial.


In a prospective, randomised, controlled trial to determine whether comprehensive lifestyle changes affect coronary atherosclerosis after 1 year, 28 patients were assigned to an experimental group (low-fat vegetarian diet, stopping smoking, stress management training, and moderate exercise) and 20 to a usual-care control group. 195 coronary artery lesions were analysed by quantitative coronary angiography. The average percentage diameter stenosis regressed from 40.0 (SD 16.9)% to 37.8 (16.5)% in the experimental group yet progressed from 42.7 (15.5)% to 46.1 (18.5)% in the control group. When only lesions greater than 50% stenosed were analysed, the average percentage diameter stenosis regressed from 61.1 (8.8)% to 55.8 (11.0)% in the experimental group and progressed from 61.7 (9.5)% to 64.4 (16.3)% in the control group. Overall, 82% of experimental-group patients had an average change towards regression. Comprehensive lifestyle changes may be able to bring about regression of even severe coronary atherosclerosis after only 1 year, without use of lipidlowering drugs

Adaptado de:
<> Acessado
em 27 de outubro de 2017.
The research conducted showed that

A) changes in lifestyle can exert insignificant benefits to a person’s overall health.

B) big changes in lifestyle cannot actually reduce severe coronary atherosclerosis.

C) broad lifestyle changes can effectively bring about rewarding health benefits.

D) minute changes to lifestyle will inflict countless benefits to one’s health.

E) the group taken care of in the traditional way had more promising results.


cód. #3875

CÁSPER LÍBERO - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular

Fonte: epicdave/whats-the-difference-between-ignorance-and-apathy

A resposta dada pela garota neste meme significa:

A) tanto que ela não sabe e não se importa com o assunto quanto que ignorância é não saber e apatia é não se importar.

B) apenas que ela não sabe e não se importa com o assunto.

C) apenas que a diferença é que ignorância significa não saber e que apatia quer dizer não se importar.

D) simplesmente que ela está ocupada e que não quer ser interrompida pela colega.

E) um jogo de palavras que cria a falsa interpretação de duplo senti do para uma resposta negativa.


cód. #5923

COMVEST - UNICAMP - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular - Conhecimentos gerais

‘Yes, I’m Italian – but I’m not loud, I don’t gesticulate and I’m not good with pizza’

Elena Ferrante

I love my country, but I have no patriotic spirit and no national pride. What’s more, I digest pizza poorly, I eat very little spaghetti, I don’t speak in a loud voice, I don’t gesticulate, I hate all mafias, I don’t exclaim “Mamma mia!” National characteristics are simplifications that should be contested. Being Italian, for me, begins and ends with the fact that I speak and write in the Italian language.

Put that way it doesn’t seem like much, but really it’s a lot. A language is a compendium of the history, geography, material and spiritual life, the vices and virtues, not only of those who speak it, but also of those who have spoken it through the centuries. When I say that I’m Italian because I write in Italian, I mean that I’m fully Italian in the only way that I’m willing to attribute to myself a nationality. I don’t like the other ways, especially when they become nationalism, chauvinism, and imperialism.

(Adaptado de Elena Ferrante, ‘Yes, I´m Italian – but I´m not loud, I don´t gesticulate and I´m not good with pizza’, The Guardian, 24/02/2018.)

Transcrevem-se, a seguir, versos de canções brasileiras e de um poema de Vinícius de Moraes. Assinale a alternativa que melhor exemplifica as afirmações de Elena Ferrante.


“Eu me sinto um estrangeiro.” (Engenheiros do Hawaii, “A revolta dos dândis”.)

B) “Pátria Amada, é pra você esta canção/Desesperada, canção de desilusão.” (Inocentes, “Pátria amada”.)

C) “Minha pátria é minha língua.” (Caetano Veloso, “Língua”.)

D) “Se me perguntarem o que é a minha pátria, direi:/ Não sei. De fato, não sei (...).” (Vinícius de Moraes, “Pátria minha”.)


cód. #2084

UECE-CEV - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular - Inglês 1° Dia

The sentence “It has changed dramatically over the centuries since it first arrived on the shores of Britain from the north of Europe” (lines 104-107) contains a conjunction that introduces a

A) time clause.

B) contrast clause.

C) concession clause.

D) conditional clause.


cód. #2852

VUNESP - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular

Leia o texto para responder à questão.

America’s social-media addiction is getting worse

(Sources: Pew Research Centre; e Marketer)

   A survey in January and February 2019 from the Pew Research Centre, a think tank, found that 69% of American adults use Facebook; of these users, more than half visit the site “several times a day”. YouTube is even more popular, with 73% of adults saying they watch videos on the platform. For those aged 18 to 24, the figure is 90%. Instagram, a photo-sharing app, is used by 37% of adults. When Pew first conducted the survey in 2012, only a slim majority of Americans used Facebook. Fewer than one in ten had an Instagram account.

    Americans are also spending more time than ever on social-media sites like Facebook. There is evidence that limiting such services might yield health benefits. A paper published last year by Melissa Hunt, Rachel Marx, Courtney Lipson and Jordyn Young, all of the University of Pennsylvania, found that limiting social-media usage to 10 minutes a day led to reductions in loneliness, depression, anxiety and fear. Another paper from 2014 identified a link between heavy social-media usage and depression, largely due to a “social comparison” phenomenon, whereby users compare themselves to others and come away with lower evaluations of themselves. 

(, 08.08.2019. Adaptado.)

According to the second paragraph, the excessive use of social-media raises questions about

A) fake identities.

B) privacy.

C) loss of reality

D) procrastination.

E) mental health.


cód. #3620

Cepros - Inglês - 2019 - Prova de Medicina-2020.1- 1° DIA

Read the text below and answer the following  question based on it

Disponível em: <> Acessado em 11 de outubro de 2017

Jane Michelle Smith has been instructed to

A) continue using the medicine regardless of the absence of symptoms.

B) never stop taking the medicine because of its so many benefits.

C) not take the medication for only one day after symptoms disappear.

D) quit using the medicine when the symptoms are no longer detected.

E) stop hiding the medication until the symptoms are done away with.


cód. #3876

CÁSPER LÍBERO - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular

Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.

    McDonald’s new paper straws – described as “eco-friendly” by the US fast food giant – cannot be recycled. Last year, it axed plastic straws, even though they were recyclable, in all its UK branches as part of a green drive. But the US fast food giant says the new paper straws are not yet easy to recycle and should be put into general waste. McDonald’s says the materials are recyclable, but their thickness makes it difficult for them to be processed.
    The firm switched from plastic straws to paper ones in its restaurants in the UK and Republic of Ireland last autumn. The straws are manufactured by Transcend Packaging, based in Ebbw Vale, South Wales.
    But some customers were unhappy with the new straws, saying they dissolved before a drink could be finished, with milkshakes particularly hard to drink.
    “As a result of customer feedback, we have strengthened our paper straws, so while the materials are recyclable, their current thickness makes it difficult for them to be processed by our waste solution providers, who also help us recycle our paper cups,” a McDonald’s spokesman said.
    The firm said it was working to find a solution, and that current advice, as first reported by The Sun, to put paper straws in general waste was therefore temporary.
    “This waste from our restaurants does not go to landfill, but is used to generate energy,” the company added.
    A petition by irate McDonald’s customers to bring back plastic straws has so far been signed by 51,000 people. The restaurant chain uses 1.8 million straws a day in the UK, so the move to paper was a significant step in helping to reduce single-use plastic. Some single-use plastic products can take hundreds of years to decompose if not recycled.
Extracted from BBC News, 5th of August, 2019 ( 
Qual das afi rmações a seguir, relacionadas ao texto, está incorreta?

A) O aviso para jogar os canudos no lixo comum é apenas temporário.

B) Os novos canudos de papel tornam especialmente difícil tomar milkshakes.

C) Os canudos de papel serão destinados à geração de energia.

D) O Reino Unido é o campeão de consumo de canudos/dia: 1.8 milhão de unidades.

E) Os novos canudos de papel são produzidos no País de Gales.



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