Questões de Inglês para Vestibular

cód. #5924

COMVEST - UNICAMP - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular - Conhecimentos gerais

Os dizeres da camiseta

A) brincam com palavras do inglês que têm grafias e pronúncias semelhantes.

B) criam um efeito de humor explorando a ambiguidade de certas palavras do inglês.

C) brincam com o fato de o inglês ser uma língua irracional e incompreensível.

D) criam um efeito de humor a partir da complexidade do sistema ortográfico do inglês.


cód. #2085

UECE-CEV - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular - Inglês 1° Dia

In terms of tense, the verbs in the sentence “The attitudes people have towards the language are a part of their own personal history.” (lines 78-80) are respectively in the

A) simple present and present perfect.

B) simple present and simple present.

C) present perfect and simple present.

D) simple past and present continuous.


cód. #2853

VUNESP - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular

Leia o texto para responder à questão.

America’s social-media addiction is getting worse

(Sources: Pew Research Centre; e Marketer)

   A survey in January and February 2019 from the Pew Research Centre, a think tank, found that 69% of American adults use Facebook; of these users, more than half visit the site “several times a day”. YouTube is even more popular, with 73% of adults saying they watch videos on the platform. For those aged 18 to 24, the figure is 90%. Instagram, a photo-sharing app, is used by 37% of adults. When Pew first conducted the survey in 2012, only a slim majority of Americans used Facebook. Fewer than one in ten had an Instagram account.

    Americans are also spending more time than ever on social-media sites like Facebook. There is evidence that limiting such services might yield health benefits. A paper published last year by Melissa Hunt, Rachel Marx, Courtney Lipson and Jordyn Young, all of the University of Pennsylvania, found that limiting social-media usage to 10 minutes a day led to reductions in loneliness, depression, anxiety and fear. Another paper from 2014 identified a link between heavy social-media usage and depression, largely due to a “social comparison” phenomenon, whereby users compare themselves to others and come away with lower evaluations of themselves. 

(, 08.08.2019. Adaptado.)

O trecho do primeiro parágrafo “Fewer than one in ten had an Instagram account” está ilustrado pela curva correspondente ao Instagram

A) no gráfico 2, no ano de 2015, quando empata com o Snapchat.

B) no gráfico 1, no ano de 2012, junto à curva correspondente ao Pinterest.

C) no gráfico 1, no ano de 2018, quando se destaca das demais mídias sociais.

D) no gráfico 2, no ano de 2014, quando a pesquisa do Pew Research Centre começou.

E) no gráfico 1, no ano de 2014, quando há quase um empate com a curva correspondente ao Pinterest e ao Twitter.


cód. #3621

Cepros - Inglês - 2019 - Prova de Medicina-2020.1- 1° DIA

Read the text below and answer the following  question based on it

Disponível em: <> Acessado em 11 de outubro de 2017

Jane has been told to

A) take the medicine two times a day; in the morning and at night.

B) take the medication one time a day after breakfast or after dinner.

C) take two pills of the medication once a day as she saw appropriate.

D) have twenty capsules of the medication in the morning or at night.

E) buy another pack of the medication after she finishes the first one.


cód. #3877

CÁSPER LÍBERO - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular

Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.

    McDonald’s new paper straws – described as “eco-friendly” by the US fast food giant – cannot be recycled. Last year, it axed plastic straws, even though they were recyclable, in all its UK branches as part of a green drive. But the US fast food giant says the new paper straws are not yet easy to recycle and should be put into general waste. McDonald’s says the materials are recyclable, but their thickness makes it difficult for them to be processed.
    The firm switched from plastic straws to paper ones in its restaurants in the UK and Republic of Ireland last autumn. The straws are manufactured by Transcend Packaging, based in Ebbw Vale, South Wales.
    But some customers were unhappy with the new straws, saying they dissolved before a drink could be finished, with milkshakes particularly hard to drink.
    “As a result of customer feedback, we have strengthened our paper straws, so while the materials are recyclable, their current thickness makes it difficult for them to be processed by our waste solution providers, who also help us recycle our paper cups,” a McDonald’s spokesman said.
    The firm said it was working to find a solution, and that current advice, as first reported by The Sun, to put paper straws in general waste was therefore temporary.
    “This waste from our restaurants does not go to landfill, but is used to generate energy,” the company added.
    A petition by irate McDonald’s customers to bring back plastic straws has so far been signed by 51,000 people. The restaurant chain uses 1.8 million straws a day in the UK, so the move to paper was a significant step in helping to reduce single-use plastic. Some single-use plastic products can take hundreds of years to decompose if not recycled.
Extracted from BBC News, 5th of August, 2019 ( 
Considere as seguintes afirmações relativas ao texto anterior:

1. Os canudos de plástico usados por todas as lojas do McDonald’s no Reino Unido até o outono passado já eram recicláveis. Mesmo assim, foram substituídos por canudos de papel para evitar plásticos de uso único.
2. A direção do McDonald’s do Reino Unido e da Irlanda pede que os consumidores descartem os canudos de papel no lixo comum porque descobriram que, na verdade, eles não são totalmente recicláveis.
3. Inicialmente, foram utilizados canudos de papel reciclável que se desmanchavam com facilidade, gerando reclamações de consumidores. Por isso a troca para o papel mais grosso, o que torna impossível sua reciclagem.
4. O problema com os novos canudos de papel vem da incapacidade apenas momentânea das empresas recicladoras de processar esse tipo de papel – mas elas garantem que os canudos não vão para aterros sanitários.
5. Um grupo de consumidores ambientalistas do McDonald’s criou um abaixo-assinado com mais de 51.000 adesões, pedindo a volta dos canudos de plástico, para os quais já há tecnologia de reciclagem existente.

Indique qual das opções abaixo classifica corretamente as cinco afirmações acima como Verdadeiras (V) ou Falsas (F).

A) 1V, 2V, 3F, 4F, 5V

B) 1F, 2V, 3F, 4V, 5F

C) 1V, 2F, 3V, 4F, 5V

D) 1F, 2V, 3V, 4F, 5V

E) 1V, 2F, 3F, 4V, 5F


cód. #5925

COMVEST - UNICAMP - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular - Conhecimentos gerais

We raise girls to cater to the fragile egos of men. We teach girls do shrink themselves, to make themselves smaller. We tell girls ‘You can have ambition, but not too much’. ‘You should aim to be successful, but not too successful, otherwise you will threaten the man’. (…) We teach girls shame – ‘Close your legs, cover yourself!’. We make them feel as though by being born female, they’re already guilty of something. And so, girls grow up to be women who cannot see they have desire. They grow up to be women who silence themselves. They grow up to be women who cannot say what they truly think. And they grow up – and this is the worst thing we do to girls – to be women who turn pretense into an art form.

(Adaptado da palestra “We should all be feminists”, 15/07/2009. Disponível em Acessado em 14/05/2018.)

O texto anterior reproduz trechos de uma palestra proferida pela escritora nigeriana Chimamanda Adichie em 2009. Segundo a autora, o fato de serem criadas para agradar aos homens faz com que as mulheres

A) valorizem sua sexualidade ao longo de suas vidas.

B) cresçam vendo a dissimulação como algo normal.

C) sejam ameaçadas, caso se tornem bem-sucedidas.

D) tenham suas vozes silenciadas pelos homens.


cód. #2086

UECE-CEV - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular - Inglês 1° Dia

In terms of tense, the underlined verbs in the sentences “Other loanwords, however, have become completely naturalized” (lines 38-40) and “English has, over its lifetime, absorbed influences from countless sources” (lines 43-45) are respectively in the

A) present perfect and present perfect.

B) past perfect and present perfect.

C) present perfect and past continuous.

D) past perfect and simple past.


cód. #2854

VUNESP - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular

Leia o texto para responder à questão.

America’s social-media addiction is getting worse

(Sources: Pew Research Centre; e Marketer)

   A survey in January and February 2019 from the Pew Research Centre, a think tank, found that 69% of American adults use Facebook; of these users, more than half visit the site “several times a day”. YouTube is even more popular, with 73% of adults saying they watch videos on the platform. For those aged 18 to 24, the figure is 90%. Instagram, a photo-sharing app, is used by 37% of adults. When Pew first conducted the survey in 2012, only a slim majority of Americans used Facebook. Fewer than one in ten had an Instagram account.

    Americans are also spending more time than ever on social-media sites like Facebook. There is evidence that limiting such services might yield health benefits. A paper published last year by Melissa Hunt, Rachel Marx, Courtney Lipson and Jordyn Young, all of the University of Pennsylvania, found that limiting social-media usage to 10 minutes a day led to reductions in loneliness, depression, anxiety and fear. Another paper from 2014 identified a link between heavy social-media usage and depression, largely due to a “social comparison” phenomenon, whereby users compare themselves to others and come away with lower evaluations of themselves. 

(, 08.08.2019. Adaptado.)

No trecho do primeiro parágrafo “of these users, more than half”, a expressão sublinhada refere-se

A) a 69% dos estadunidenses adultos.

B) a cerca de 50% dos estadunidenses.

C) aos estadunidenses entre 18 e 24 anos de idade.

D) à metade dos usuários do Facebook.

E) aos estadunidenses que usam Facebook todos os dias.


cód. #5926

COMVEST - UNICAMP - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular - Conhecimentos gerais

Este cartum foi criado pelo norte-americano Bruce Beattie, em 2011. Nele, o cartunista faz uso da ironia para

A) justificar a meritocracia como princípio de reconhecimento de igualdade de oportunidades.

B) identificar a garantia do salário mínimo como condição suficiente para a proteção da classe trabalhadora.

C) abordar os efeitos da precarização do trabalho nas sociedades contemporâneas.

D) propor que a empregabilidade leva à recuperação da economia e à justiça social.


cód. #2087

UECE-CEV - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular - Inglês 1° Dia

In the sentence “The influence from this contact can be seen most clearly in the way that English is full of what are known as loanwords.” (lines 12-15), at least one of the verbs is in the

A) past perfect.

B) present continuous.

C) passive voice.

D) present perfect.



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